Our Mission Statement:
Strive: Indicating that we are fervent in our zeal to love the Lord and to serve Him whole heartedly as a consequence.
HCF actively seeks to collaborate with and strengthen local churches and communities. We do this by:
Inspire and Equip: The influence we have should motivate others to want to love and serve our Lord fully. Not only do we want people to be motivated, we also want them to be trained to make the maximum impact for God’s glory.
Manifest: It means we want Jesus Christ to do whatever He wants to do in and through us in all His fullness. We yearn to see the outworking of His redemption in our lives, in the lives of our health field staff, patients, in our workplaces and in our communities. For this to happen, we have to meet certain conditions/requirements. This is based on the Biblical principles that God’s promised are conditional
How Does HCF work?
- Presenting seminars that will strengthen the ministries of local churches in communities. Topics include: Being a witness in the workplace (in healthcare), Spiritual Care of Dying People, Hospital Visitation.
- Training trainers from the local church to train members of the local church in ministry in the health field and in the community. For example we do a five day Train The Trainer course about Integral Community Health, or about Christian Leadership (LIGHTS 2020), or about being a witness in the workplace (Saline Process).
- Involving local churches in Medical Outreaches and in Integral Community Health processes.