- An evangelistic mission, live and preach the Gospel
- committed Fellowship, loyal and persevering
- International, cross-cultural.
- Interdenominational, room for all God’s people, loving consideration
- A loving family personal attention, personal touch
- A serving army,7 ministries: Prayer, Evangelism, Discipleship, Development, Literature/Media, Finances, Conferences.
- Health field specialized.
- An arm of the church, seeking co-operation with Bible believing churches
- Pro-family and pro-life seeking involvement of both husband and wife; against abortion, unnecessary experimentation, unethical practices
- Policy directed, leaving freedom for personal conviction
By the Grace of God and undergirded by its supporters the HCF South Africa will become a prayerful evangelical movement with trained people implementing Christ’s Great Commission Within the Healthcare Field.
Mission Statement
HCF South Africa strives to inspire and equip all Christians serving in Healthcare to make Jesus Christ a reality daily in life and work.