The Community Orientated Primary Care pilot project in South Africa (COPC)
To improve the preventative and promotive components of the Primary Healthcare approach, the National Department of Health in South Africa, has adopted Community Oriented Primary Healthcare (COPC), a program developed by the Department of Family Medicine of the University of Pretoria, as a key strategy.
COPC is primary care where professionals from different disciplines and approaches work together with organisations and people in defined communities to identify and respond systematically to health and health-related needs to improve health (T S Marcus).
Anglo American mining South Africa, in partnership with the (COPC) research Unit of the University of Pretoria (UP), seeks to introduce 9COPC) in 22 mining sites across the country. Anglo have thus committed to a five year program of (COPC) in these communities as part of their Social development contract with the Department of Mineral Resources.
In August 2020, the (COPC) research unit of the University of Pretoria invited the Healthcare Christian Fellowship South Africa (HCF SA) to develop a spiritual care package which would supplement the Primary Health Care component of COPC in mining communities. The aim of this will be to support the spiritual, emotional and social health of the Clinical Associates and Community Health Workers in the program and ultimately contribute to Biblical transformation of the communities they work in.
In August 2020, the (COPC) research unit of the University of Pretoria invited the Healthcare Christian Fellowship South Africa (HCF SA) to develop a spiritual care package which would
HCF SA is excited to be part of this venture and looks forward to extending its ministry into the household level of communities.
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